Author Archives: Ivor

Turn Off Annoying Notifications in Windows 7

A frequently popping up notifications, testifying issues about your PC, is quite irritating for some users. They can tolerate such interruption to some extent, but beyond that, they would definitely find a way to get rid of it, for the last time. If you are Continue Reading →

Restrict Charms Hint and Switcher Hot Corners

Charm bar is a valuable tool, presented by Windows 8 and preserved by Windows 8.1. It provides us with an easy access to certain aspects of our operating system. A Charm bar acquaints the user with Search, Share, Start screen, Devices, and Settings options. This Continue Reading →

64-bit – A Secure Windows Version

64-bit versions of Windows are declared faster, due to their capacity to utilize additional memory. It is to enlighten that the efficacy of this version is not just limited to this feature. The reason, most of the new machines incorporate a 64-bit Windows, is its Continue Reading →

How to Boot to Desktop in Windows 8.1

Start screen was the revolutionary feature, brought into the Windows 8.1 by Microsoft Corporation. However, it was resisted by the traditional users of Microsoft Windows, especially the desktop users, arguing that it was more of a touch friendly feature. In this connection, certain applications, introduced Continue Reading →

Get your Windows 8.1 Preview Now

Microsoft has publicly announced the developer update of Windows 8. The newly introduced version is called Windows 8.1 P or Windows Blue, at some instances. A more cherish able fact is that the update is not limited to the developers only. Every desktop user, using Continue Reading →

Dealing With Code 19 Errors

Code 19 errors usually arise in case of any malfunction of device drivers. Typically, the devices found in this state are optical drives like CD/DVD-ROM Drive or USB Cards. Non-appearance of CD/DVD-ROM Drives designates this kind of error and results from the corrupt registry values Continue Reading →

Block Your USB Ports for System Security

If you own a computer or a laptop and you allow others to access it, you must have been regretting that. In the present date, individuals feel obligatory to keep a USB Flash Drive with them. Some would even prefer it to their own ID, Continue Reading →