Is the Virus Really A False Positive?

It is already hard enough to distinguish a legitimate download from a fake; things become increasingly difficult when your trusted antivirus starts generating a false positive. This is a scenario in which the security software first complains that the file is a virus, but then strangely drops its guard by declaring it a false alarm.

Prior to proceeding this piece for the solution, let be advised to first Scan and Fix your system’s concealed disorders which most probably is eliciting the inconsistencies:

While most of the time you heed to your protector’s call, but can you be really sure about this one? After all, malicious people may try to trick you into believing your house guard and inject the malware through the process. So how can one take matters into his own hands and scrutinize the case further? Here’s how!

Use VirusTotal to Consult Other Specialists

VirusTotal is a free online service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs by running it through numerous (around 45) antivirus program’s scan engines. It is largely useful when comparing your protector’s decision with the others, and inching you closer to a conclusive and correct verdict.

If you have run into a false positive, verify this finding via visiting VirusTotal and selecting the file. By using the simple one-click Scan function, you can view what other combat professionals have to say regarding the concerned object, and come up with a much more decisive result.

Do You Trust The Download’s Source

Of course, to uncover true reality of any downloaded file, you need to verify its parent source. Generally, incorporating objects from an untrustworthy or never-before-heard company will result in malware attacks. Also, if you obtained the file from a peer-to-peer network, or via email, discard it immediately; you have most likely infused a malware into your system.

However, it is sometimes observed that downloading from famous/dependable websites also pops up an alert. While you may be tempted to believe your safeguard and avoid interrogating your trusted company, you still have to. Who knows you might be deceived into a fake website imitating to be the official?

Play The Detective

Normally, an antivirus will specify the name, and type of malware under suspicion. Gain further understanding of this identity by looking it up on Google, or some other popular search engine, and disclose its full profile. Check its integrity thoroughly and see what other users have to say about this download. Only when you are certain of its working should you continue opening this module.

Check a Malware Database

With the world acknowledging the threats posed by these unwelcomed guests, numerous Internet Security companies have established a list of malware running in the wild. To use this inclusive database, perform a simple Google search and locate the troubling element from the comprehensive library. If found, veto your antivirus’s decision and declare the captive as malware.

Be Extra Careful

There is no brick-solid way to determine for sure whether the file is actually a false positive or not. However, what you can do is become extra conservative in your decisions. If you are unsure of the file, you’ll be better off leaving it untouched.

Gathering enough evidence is the perfect way to tackle security issues and knowing PC viruses. If you are certain of the file’s authenticity, help others by submitting your finding to the antivirus company. Check your antivirus’s documentation for information on how to send false positives and aid security companies generate better fixes and upgrades.

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